Gerrhonotus mungerorum, holotype, frontal, USSM V55674, dorsal view. Line represents one millimeter. Modified from Figure 9e of the original description (Wilson, 1968).
Gerrhonotus mungerorurn MSU-VP 788, frontal bone in dorsal view. (D') Same, left maxilla. From Holman (1975).
REPTILIA (Reptiles) SQUAMATA (PART) (Other Lizards) ANGUIDAE (Anguid Lizards)

Munger's Alligator Lizard
Gerrhonotus mungerorum Wilson 1968

Conservation Status:


A large gerrhonotine lizard with massive elongated frontal exhibiting four or possibly six scute areas which are divided generally as in other members of this group; interparietal scute area elevated above adjacent ones; scutellation areas deeply ornamented; frontoparietal scute areas not reaching midline and nearly divided laterally into two separate areas by a ridge or ornamentation; frontal septa separating nasals broad with very little anterior taper; olfactory canal embedded into the antero-ventral portion of frontal; crista cranii massive at base aad rounded to surround the olfactory canal.


(,   Museum Voucher) (,   Observation) (,   Literature Record) (,   iNat Record), (  Fossil)
Open icons are questionable records; Click on a marker to view details.
Full range depicted by light shaded red area. Export Google Earth (.kml)
  • Occurrence Summary:  
  • 2
  • 2
    Museum Vouchers 
  • 0
    Other Observations 
Some county occurrences indicated below may be too imprecise to map above.
County Breakdown: County Name (# occurrences):
Trego (2);

Natural History:

This species is named for Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Munger of Belleville, Kansas, who gave the describer space to screen and sort the fossiliferous material and allowed him to stay at their ranch.
Good (1988) corroborated that MSU 778 (from the type locality) was in fact a member of the Gerrhonotinae and noted that most of the other 166 fossil specimens he confirmed did not possess diagnostic characters. He questioned whether this species might be more closely related to Abronia than to Gerrhonotus .

1928 Ortenburger, Arthur I. The whip snakes and racers: Genera Masticophis and Coluber. Memiors of the University of Michigan Museum (1):1-247
1968 Wilson, Richard L. Systematics and faunal analysis of a Lower Pliocene vertebrate assemblage from Trego County, Kansas. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan 22():75-126
1975 Holman, J. Alan. Herpetofauna of the WaKeeney local fauna (Lower Pliocene: Clarendionian) of Trego County, Kansas. Pages 49-66 in Studies on Cenozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy in honor of Claude W. Hibbard. Museum of Paleontology, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. pp.
1976 Holman, J. Alan. The herpetofauna of the lower Valentine formation, north-central Nebraska. Herpetologica 32(3):262-268
1988 Good, David A. The phylogenetic position of fossils assigned to the Gerrhonotinae (Squamata: Anguidae). Journal of Paleontology 8(2):188-195
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Travis W. Taggart © 1999-2024 — w/ Sternberg Museum of Natural History, Fort Hays State University